• link on tag

    this tutorial is property of Joanne

    this translation is property of Evanescence







    Thanks to Mina for the tubes

    and authors of mask and misted tube




     Mura's Meister, Clouds

     Graphics Plus, Cross Shadow






    1 - Open gold texture and put in your texture file


    2 - in your color palette , put, black as foreground

    and color 3a21a5 ( blue ) as background


    3 - open a transparent layer  800x600 px

    paint it with color  3a21a5


    4 - Mura's Meister, Clouds :




    5 - layer new layer 

    select, select all


    6 - copy and paste  your misted tube into selection



    7 - layer duplicate 2 times 

    your have 3 layers in total(pour 3 au total)


    8 - name this layers  1, 2, 3 from the bottom


    9 - on layer 1 put opacity as  70 %


    10 -  layer 2 put mode on overlay


    11 - at this state you have this  :




    12 -go to layer named  3


    13 -layer , new layer of mask from image




    14 - merge group


    duplicate layer


    15 - merge down


    16 - effects,

    texture effect  sculpture :



    17 - effects, reflexion effect , pattern




    18 - effects, 3D, drop shadow :




    19 - adjust, sharpness , more sharpness


    20 - copy and paste lady tube


    21 - image, resize at  80 %, all layers not marked


    22 - adjust tube as model


    23 - adjust, sharpness, more sharpness


    24 - effects, 3D, drop shadow :





    25 - copy and paste my  watermark which is in material


    26 - sign your tag


    27 - flatten all layers


    28 - image, add borders  :

    1 border of  2 pixels black

    1 border of  30 pixels color 3a21a5

    1 border of  2 pixels black


    29 - with magic wand select border of  30 pixels


    30 - effects, texture effect, polish stone




    31 - filter Graphics Plus, Cross Shadow




    32 -  register as  JPEG file



    Tube Ana Ridzi