
    Link on tag


    This tutorial is property of  N Design

    its traduction is property of Evanescence










    I advise you to browse my site with Internet Explorer

    This tutorial was made with Pspx2,

    it can be done in other versions















    AP lines






    Colors used for this tutorial



    Aidez vous de cette flèche pour suivre le tutoriel




    Foreground :#FFFFFF

    Background :#7a2a33















    * Open a transparent layer  900/600 px


    * In your color palette put as

    foreground color #FFFFFF


    background color #7a2a33



    * Plugin  filter Medhi Wavy Lab 1.1




    * Plugin filter AP Lines- Silverling







    * duplicate layer

    flip vertical


    * Go on to raster 1


    * Add new layer


    *  Fill it up with color #FFFFFF


    * Charge  mask 1.png from matérial


    * layer, new layer of mask from image


    * Check inverse



    * Merge group


    * Go on to copy of  raster 1


    * Resize at  80%


    * Select all


    * Selection floatting


    * Sélection static


    * Selection modify


    * sélect borders of selection

     choose both sides

    anti aliasing checked





    * add new layer


    * Fill selection with color #FFFFFF


    * Déselect


    * Effects, distorsion effects, waves



    * duplicate layer



    * Image flip horizontal

    merge down



    * Sélect with magic wand tool  the 4 ellipses

    like this




    * Fill them 4 with  linear gradient




    * Drop shadow




    * Déselect



    * Merge down



    * Effects, edge effects, accentuate



    * Plugin, filter, Toadies ,What are you 20 20





    * Duplicate layer



    effects, geometric effects, circle





    * Image Resize at 70 %

    all layers not checked



    * Duplicate layer



    * Resize at  70 %

    all layers not checked



    * Merge down twice



    * Image resize at  35%



    * Adjust , sharpen, sharpen



    * Place this layer like this model , on top



    * Duplicate layer



    * Image flip



    * Merge down



    * Duplicate layer



    * effets, image layer, seamless tiling, defaut values



    * Mode of layer Normal ,opacity at  55





    * Go on  copy of raster 1



    * Duplicate layer



    * Plufin  filter Andromeda perspective




    * Place it a little bit on the left



    * Duplicate layer



    * Image flip mirror



    * add new layer



    * Copy and paste  tube c-josy



    * Place it like on model



    * Mode of layer luminance Legacy







    * Copy and paste  tube Lizztich or other



    * Resize at 50%



    * luminance Legacy at  57



    * Place it like model



    * Drop shadow  0 0 65 30 black color



    * Copy and paste  tube verlaine lizztich or other







    * Ajouter une bordure de 1 px dark color



    *1 border of 5px light color



    * 1 border of 1 px dark color



    * 1 border of  15 px light color



    * 1 border of  1px  dark color



    * 1 border of  30px light color



    * Select all



    * Sélection modify  contract of 30 px



    * selection inverse



    * fill it up with your first gradient



    * Plugin filter graphic plus cross shadow, defaut values



    * Filter ap lines silverling dotty grid





    * Sélection inverse



    * PLugin filter filtre AAA Frame photo frame





    * Copy and paste  tube of woman


     here Malackatube



    * Image flip horizontal or mirror



    * place it like the model



    * Effects 3D , drop shadow 0 0 65 30 black



    * add one border of 1px dark color


    * add one layer


    * Add your signature




    * your tag is finished


     * just resize if necessary


    and register under  format Jpg


    I thank you for having done my tutorial

    and I hope you enjoyed it






    My version


    woman tube of Luz Cristina that I thank

