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Click on flower to download





AAA Frames

Unlimited  / Vm Natural

Unlimited / Button&Frames



Palette couleur 1
Drag Tut with arrow to help you to follow



Open a transparent layer

900/560 pixels


Make a gradient , linear    42 /2


Color 1 as Foreground

Color 2  as Background

Degrader lineaire 42 2

Fill with gradient

 gaussien blur at 30

Image effects /seamless jointure,    Angle/vertical at 100

Mosaique verticale 1

Duplicate layer and resize at 90%

drop shadow  1/1/70/20 black color

Duplicate layer

Take selection Tool Outile selection

Position  Horiz 39 vert 40

39 40



Resize at 90%

 sélection tool  Outile selection

Position   Horiz  47 Vert 64

47 64

Close visibility (Raster1)

Merge all visible layers

Reopen layer (Raster1)

Stay on merged layer on top


New raster

sélection tool

personnal selection

Outil selection personnalisee


Selection perso 1

Fill with color  1

Contract of 10

Fill with halo gradient 0/0


Ooen picture of landscape

Copy as new layer 

Resize at 80 % ( depends on tube from matérial or the one you use )

Cross tool to move tube  Outil deplacement

Center it

 inversed selection

 press Pc forward delete button on key board

Ajust/ sharpness


Merged down with layer

On merged layer the one in the center

Plugin Vm Naturel Speed   défault values

Effet vm natural speed

Put blend mode on multiply at   80 %

Plugin Vm Naturel/ Ripper 78/72/135/193/164/39

Vm natural ripper defaut


 Image effects /seamless jointures  Angle bilatéral 100

Mosaique 100

Mode of layer to   normal  opacity 80


Mode normal


Stay on this layer

New raster

 personnal selection  Outil selection personnalisee

Selection perso 2

Fill with color 1

Contract of 10

press on delete on keyboard Pc forward delete button



Plugin simple / Diamonds


On layer of the top of pile  drop shadow  5/5/50/20

Duplicate 2 times

On raster 2

IMAGE / free rotation    5   left



 Distorsion effects/Radiance

H -76.57/V 58.5 repeats


Effet rayonnement

On the one up  ( copy of raster 2)

pull selection to the right

Etirer contre le bord droit1


Effet unlimited  factory gallery  V Ommadaw   défaut


On layer on top  (copie(2) sur raster 2 Image free rotation  5 left

Déplace raster 3 up to  raster 2

Merged down

On background ( Raster 1)

Effects texture/ texture    choose  Cobbles texture from material

Texture 1

Your layers are like this


Merged all visibles


Add border of 2 pixels white color

one Border of 1  pixel  color    2

One Border of 10 pixels  white color

One Border  of 1 pixel color 2

One border of 25 pixels white color

Sélect this border

Fill with linear gradient   42/2

Degrader lineaire 42 2 1111

Plugin AAA Frames /Texture frame Width à 25

Textue frame

Filtre unlimited  Button & frame   Glass Frame 2



Glasse frame 2




Copy  woman tube or other, here DBK tube as new layer


Resize at 80 %

Put on the left

Drop shadow    7/10/30/30  black color

Open  tube bird de Froju

Copy as new layer

Resize at  50

sélection tool Outile selection


Horiz 480  Vert 73

Position oiseau bonne

Position oiseau 1


Drop shadow  same as on woman 7/10/30/30 black color

Open text the ocean

Paste as new layer

 sélection tool Outile selection


Horiz 830 Vert  150

Position texte 1

Effet 3D  Inner bewer



 Drop shadow  10/0/60/10  black color


Finalize with a border of 1  pixel  / white color

and one border of 2 pixel  / color 2


Sign your création

Resize at à 900% register as jpg


Thank for having made my Tutorial


and i hope you enjoyed it






My version


Tube of Nikita that I thank




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