Click on flower to download
AAA Frames
Unlimited / Vm Natural
Unlimited / Button&Frames
Open a transparent layer
900/560 pixels
Make a gradient , linear 42 /2
Color 1 as Foreground
Color 2 as Background
Fill with gradient
gaussien blur at 30
Image effects /seamless jointure, Angle/vertical at 100
Duplicate layer and resize at 90%
drop shadow 1/1/70/20 black color
Duplicate layer
Position Horiz 39 vert 40
Resize at 90%
Position Horiz 47 Vert 64
Close visibility (Raster1)
Merge all visible layers
Reopen layer (Raster1)
Stay on merged layer on top
New raster
sélection tool
personnal selection
Fill with color 1
Contract of 10
Fill with halo gradient 0/0
Ooen picture of landscape
Copy as new layer
Resize at 80 % ( depends on tube from matérial or the one you use )
Center it
inversed selection
Ajust/ sharpness
Merged down with layer
On merged layer the one in the center
Plugin Vm Naturel Speed défault values
Put blend mode on multiply at 80 %
Plugin Vm Naturel/ Ripper 78/72/135/193/164/39
Image effects /seamless jointures Angle bilatéral 100
Mode of layer to normal opacity 80
Stay on this layer
New raster
Fill with color 1
Contract of 10
press on delete on keyboard
Plugin simple / Diamonds
On layer of the top of pile drop shadow 5/5/50/20
Duplicate 2 times
On raster 2
IMAGE / free rotation 5 left
Distorsion effects/Radiance
H -76.57/V 58.5 repeats
On the one up ( copy of raster 2)
pull selection to the right
Effet unlimited factory gallery V Ommadaw défaut
On layer on top (copie(2) sur raster 2 Image free rotation 5 left
Déplace raster 3 up to raster 2
Merged down
On background ( Raster 1)
Effects texture/ texture choose Cobbles texture from material
Your layers are like this
Merged all visibles
Add border of 2 pixels white color
one Border of 1 pixel color 2
One Border of 10 pixels white color
One Border of 1 pixel color 2
One border of 25 pixels white color
Sélect this border
Fill with linear gradient 42/2
Plugin AAA Frames /Texture frame Width à 25
Filtre unlimited Button & frame Glass Frame 2
Copy woman tube or other, here DBK tube as new layer
Resize at 80 %
Put on the left
Drop shadow 7/10/30/30 black color
Open tube bird de Froju
Copy as new layer
Resize at 50
Horiz 480 Vert 73
Drop shadow same as on woman 7/10/30/30 black color
Open text the ocean
Paste as new layer
Horiz 830 Vert 150
Effet 3D Inner bewer
Drop shadow 10/0/60/10 black color
Finalize with a border of 1 pixel / white color
and one border of 2 pixel / color 2
Sign your création
Resize at à 900% register as jpg
Thank for having made my Tutorial
and i hope you enjoyed it
My version
Tube of Nikita that I thank