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This tutorial is property of Bijounet Graphisme
This translation is property of Evanescence
Thanks for tubes
Colors of this tutorial
foreground - 71173a
background - fcb86d
other color - fab9ae
Open a transparent layer of 900 x 600 pixels
fill it with radial gradient as shown 0/5 below
Effect distort effect, spiky halo
layer new layer
Sélect all
Open image jpg called fond
copy and paste into selection
Mode of layer on multiply
opacity at 50
selection none
open new layer
fill with color fab9ae
Open mask 181728 de Nikita
new layer of mask from an image
edge borders accentuate
merge group
go on raster 2 (the one in the middle )
charge sélection from disk
bij bird 01 sel
transform selection into layer
Open tube of landscape from Nikita
copy and pste into selection
Mode on hard light , opacity at 70
selection none
close visibilty raster 1
go on top layer
merge all visibles layers
stay on top layer, merged
Open visibility raster 1
Open bird tube from Colybrix
copy paste as new layer
Image resize at 45 %
Effect , image effect, offset
adjust, sharpness, sharpen
drop shadow , white color
merge visible
Open woman tube FB0622 de Isa
Copy and paste as new layer
Image resize at 78 %
Effect , image effect, offset
Effect 3d drop shadow
merge all visibles
Select all
Image add a border of 2 pixels dark color 71173a
Sélect all
Image add a border of 50 pixels color fab9ae
inverse selection
Open image called fond again
copy and paste into selection
adjust, blur, gaussian blur at 40
filter graphic plus - cross shadow, default
selection none
Open tube of coquelicots
copy and paste as new layer
Effect ,image effect, offset
Sign your work on new layer
Image add a border of 3 pixels dark color 71173a
Resize at 900 pxls width
save as jpeg
Tube femme de Guismo
Tube misted de Ketsland
Tube bird Colybrix
Tube flower pastries