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This tutorial is property of Bijounet Graphisme

This translation is property of Evanescence






Long Life





Long Life




Colors of this tutorial

forreground  - 8d2c25  (dark)

background  -  e0bab4 (light)

also  - ffffff


Long Life







Open a transparent layer 900 x 600 pixels

Sélect all

Open  "background"

Copy and paste into selection


Image effect, seamless tiling


corner, curved

Long Life


adjust, blur, gaussian blur at  15 %




Open a new layer

Sélect all

Open   tube "femme Asie29"  Colybrix

copy and paste into selection


Image effect, seamless tiling


Long Life


adjust radial blur , twirl

Long Life





duplicate layer

merge down

filter  Mura's Meister  -  perspective tiling

Long Life


edge border accentuate

Effect 3d drop shadow

Long Life





merge down

new layer

fill with white layer

open  mask  044 de Mary LBDM 

new layer of mask from image

Long Life


edge border accentuate

merge down

Image resize at  85 %

selection charge from disk

 long life 01 sel

suppress on keyboard






go on bottom layer

duplicate layer

Charge selection from disk 

bij long life 02 sel

Effect Unlimited Paper textures - Japanese paper

Long Life



mode of layer  luminance L

Long Life





go on top layer , mask

merge down

on go on bottom layer

Effect Mura's seamless  - shift at random

Long Life


go on top layer  (copy of  raster 1)

Mode on hard light


Long Life


merge all visibles




new layer

fill this layer woth background layer 

Open mask 011  Mary LBDM 

new layer of mask from an image


Long Life


effect of edge accentuate

merge group




merge all visible

Edition COPY

Sélect All

Image add border of  50 pixels white color

Sélection inverse

paste into selection

Sélection transform into layer

Effect Unlimited - VM instant Art  -   pipeline to siberia

Long Life


 inverse Sélection

drop shadow  0/0/80/40 black

selection none

merge down




Open  tube femme Asie29  Colybrix

copy paste as new layer

Image resize at   85 %


adjuste sharpness, sharpen

drop shadow

Long Life


merge all layers




image add a border of  50 pixels white

make a linear graient  45/1

Long Life

sélect border with magic wand

fill selection with gradient


Effect Graphic plus - cross shadow

Long Life


Effet 3d cut out


Long Life


do effect again  3d cutout , but V et H (-10)

selection none

Open  tube long life  EvaTexas

copy paste as new layer

Image resize at  70 %

 Image effect  offset

Long Life


Effect - Eye candy impact glass clear

flatten all layers





 Resize at  900 pxls width

save as  jpeg



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